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Monday, January 5, 2009,8:53 PM

Please note : The class blog will be changed to 2E3's class blog! (:. Please, visit and leave a tag. And, for all the 2e3 people, the e-mail and password is the same! So feel free to update! (:

Take care.


Thursday, January 1, 2009,12:22 AM


It's a new year. I hope our class will be more untied then! Haha.

I think changing blog url and tagboard and blogskins soon!

I haven't finish up my holiday homework! ): Haha।

Anyway, happy new year!


Sunday, December 7, 2008,3:27 PM

Hellos, people.

Realised this blog is dead okay. Yeah, saying the obvious. Nevermind.

Feel like changing blogskins, songs, and everything in this blog including the url. To 2e3 or something. Something new. Since, it is going to be january soon, feel like giving this blog a new look. Probably will create a new blogskins or edit the blogskins to our own classblog skin with probably our class photos. And, to those camera shy people, I hope for at least one class photo for next year for the class blogskins or whatever. So, please, be more cooperative enough.

Holidays is coming to an end, and enjoy ur holidays, people.

Remember to study and finish up all your holidays homework.



Friday, December 5, 2008,1:19 PM


Holiday's almost over(yes,theres still 25 dyas left), have ya all done your hw? And btw why isn't there anyone updating this class blog? Its supposed to be a class blog...

Hahas, anyways, finally updating my blog. Swear I gonna update everyday(cause I'm bored =.=) so please visit my blog(and tag if you want ^^)

K, byesss everyone =)


Friday, November 28, 2008,9:30 PM
Happy Thanksgiving!!!


HAPPY Thanksgiving!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008,4:47 PM

There's a poll about which holidays shall we do our upcoming class outing 2009 in the forums! Go look at it and VOTE!

It is at Category: Class Activities, Topic "[ Poll ] Class Outing 2009!" Author by: Mrs Wong.

GO LOOK AND VOTE! IT IS FOR THE UPCOMING CLASS OUTING! Register too! We only have 8 registered users, I already tried giving some of the people the link and tell them to register but you guys did not register :(

A lot of topics there too, feel free to look at it, if you have anything to suggest, or to share, please make a reply! I hope more of you come look at the forums.

Another time, PLEASE VOTE!

Have Fun!


Sunday, November 23, 2008,6:43 PM

On the 27 November 2008, 2 people are celebrating their birthday.

Cynthia and Dickson(Me). Yea, I know I should not be saying here. Might get some rude and hater comments from the tagboard scolding me for wasting my time, lifeless or whatever. I don't care. Just to say, if you people have some kindness, buy a present for us.
If not, at least wish us a "happy birthday".
End of post.

By the way, homework:
Chinese Homework(book).
Maths Holiday Assignment.
Maths Project.

Good luck in finishing it. I think both the forums and the blog is dead. No one is doing anything about it. That includes me, because there's nothing to talk about. I will try to do it. Take care.


Saturday, November 22, 2008,3:37 PM

HELLO(: Firstly, HOMEWORK! Can anyone post the list of homework? Im starting to feel guilty for not doing my homework. LOL -.-

So someone, pls post a full list of our homework needed to be passed up. CANCAN? THANKS. I'll be visiting often for a response.

Friday, November 14, 2008,1:46 PM


How's everyone's holiday?? Hope you are all doing fine. Mine's boring... got nothing to do.

Anyway, how's the class outing? Hope all of you enjoy it. I couldn't go course I got to visit my grandparents. It was my grandpa's birthday...maybe I should tell him to change his birthday. =)

Everyone done at LEAST some of their homework? I've only done my math...took me so long to finish it...partly because my brain had gone 'rusty'. Zzzz. Still got MT homework to do, and a few others.

Oh and By the way, My blog's back.
Please go to the link below...
My blog...

Zzzz.Sianzation. K, go eat liao Bye Byes.


Saturday, November 8, 2008,11:49 PM


i go see all the blogs all say the class outing very fun one..
haha..sorry i cant go D:


AsH here btw:D

Friday, November 7, 2008,10:02 PM

I did not really wanted to post this but I don't have much of the contacts, I have created the 1E3'08/2E3'09 Forums. Please feel free to look at it. It's for the 1E3'08/2E3'09-ians. Other people could browse it but PLEASE do not anyhow register and spam.

Moderator: Dickson.
Adminstrators (CURRENTLY): Ashwath and Brian.

Feel free to register. Read the Rules and Regulations first before registrating, please. Please register with your real name. Ohh ya, and those who is not in our class and want to register, please register and then reply on a post called "WELCOME!" and say what class are you from and who are you. Thanks for the co-operation.

Adminstrators would be slowly added through your trustworthy and responsibility. Please do not anyhow ban people, even if you don't like him/her. Give a reason to me or anyone. If not, you will be out of your Adminstrator rank. Many topics are inside, feel free to post in any in it. Any suggestions or opinions about the forums please talk it in the forum topic "Forum things". Please do not spread the forums to almost everyone. keep it more to yourselves.

Any problems or anything about the forums contact me on AbyssJr_AKA_Dickson@hotmail.com if you don't have my MSN.

Thanks. HAVE FUN !

Website: Official Forums of 1E3'08


Thursday, November 6, 2008,12:58 AM

Hi 1e3-ians,

I am posting about something, and that is about the forums thing that I have suggested like a month ago to Brian . I noticed a lot of people is disagree-ing . Please give some reasons in the comments of the poll OR the tagboard. Example, I saw one comment by Shekinah. She said that, it is too troublesome. But hey, Shekinah, it is ME that is making the forums, not YOU or anyone else.

If you people think that it is too troublesome, fine then. I'll just not make it, it's alright. Brian or Ashwath would just waste their time deleting the messages. I am not scolding or anything. I am just stating the facts.

You people might think, "Even if we use the forums, people will still flame or spam." Yes, I agree, but I am going to the point now.

The forums I am making will be customized, also, it is easy to both use the forums and make the forums. It is forums, not website. I will be customizing the forums like this:
Register Number:(Must fit the name of the class list. On both 1e3/2e3.)
If the register number does not fit the name, that guy/girl CANNOT registrate.
If the name or register number is being used, it can't be used anymore.
Lastly, we don't know who that spammer is, right?
If you people could keep it to yourselves, because we will be telling you the website of the forums IF you people want it. ONLY to 1e3/2e3-ians.
If the spammer's still here, It is quite obvious that it will be in our class, and we can narrow down the options, and find the spammer.

I know a lot of people is not looking at the blog, only like Fatin, Yanfang, Xinpeng, Brian, Ashwath, Me, Jia Qing, Danfeng, Shekinah. So, most likely they won't come to look at the forums(talking about the other people not looking this blog before/often.). And that, would make the spammer of our class OR outsiders to come here easier. Now i am saying the disadvantage, the disadvantage is, I am not really sure if it is able to ban people. Most likely NOT, but I am quite sure that the admin, which is most likely me and Ashwath or others can delete some craps away. Craps as in those spams and others.

It's alright if you people don't want it. Stay in tagboards, blogs, will be cool enough already. Also, if you people want a 1e3 website, it is alright for me, I can do it. But anyways, it's alright for everything. The saying, Majorities wins. Let's wait until the end of this month. The poll shall say everything by the end of this month.

It is late now, sleep early. Good Night.

Yours truly,
Dickson Chan

Sunday, November 2, 2008,11:30 AM

well..besides frm arguing over class outing..any1 remembers what the hell homework we have..sorry fr spoiling ure holidays..but gotta do homework..haha..u hate this word..so im gonaa put it BIG...


Wednesday, October 29, 2008,8:17 PM

Hi 1e3 peeps!

About the class outing.Yes, the class outing! [: Be excited!

Anyway, yeas, i decided we do it on o8-Nov-o8.

Okay, because of some booking problems, Ms Sor, YANFANG and me decided we will call off the barbeque.]:

Sorry, dissapointed you guys.

Promise, we will do it next year, alrights?You guys just treat this as a friends outing.If you peeps want to have dinner, your can have it with your peeps there or somewhere else.

Thanks. [:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008,10:40 PM

Hey 1e3 lovelies!

Anyway, about the class outing. Yes, the class outing! :].

Xinpeng and me have already planned like half of it. So yup, time to share the ideas with you people! :]. Be excited! :]. Haha.

Anyway, it will be at pasir ris. No overnight. Don't say it is a boring idea. Cause, you have no right to do so, when you are not the one who plan all these.

Ok, anyway, continue-ing.

Hmm. So, we will be meeting up at yishun mrt on 08/11/08 at 12.20 p.m.. Please don't be late. We will be waiting until 12.30 p.m. before we set off to pasir ris park.

Then, we will be going to pasir ris park together, in a one whole class. :].
When we reached there, You all will be in ur own 'cliques'. Then, you all will be free! Haha. You all can go escape theme park, arcade, bowling, cycling. But, due to safety reasons, WILD WILD WET is STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED to go.

Really hope all of you can make it.

Don't have to wear class tee, by the way. Wear whatever you think is nice and suits the outing.

Oh oh oh, and forgot to mention,those people whose's pappa& momma
got NTUC memebership card can bring it, cause there will be discount!

If your planning to go escape theme park and arcade bring like $30.
And best have your lunch at home or something,cause the macdonald there is quite far. [:

Hope you all will have fun.


Monday, October 27, 2008,4:11 PM

Hey guys..AsH here...

ppl(not saying who =) =)) msg me all the time ask me fr outing so like...yea..

vote in the poll..LOL..beach bowling...wadeva choose..but i dun think many peeps can come la...cos nw holidays and all..difficult to contact all...but a small thing shld be fine so yea...VOTEVOTEVOTE(:(:(:(:(:

hahaha..oh yea..happy deepavali to every1 who celebrates it out there...(show me the moneyyy..)..hahahhahaha..so yea..relax..vote in the poll..stay happy =)

BRIAN DID THE POLL...NOT ME =) =)..sabo me la brian..haha..peace (:(:(:(:(:(:((:(:

,12:20 AM

Hey ppl. Shekinah here.
Just wanted to ask you guys to visit my friends blogshop since shes having some stuff cheap like FBT shorts etc.
Heres the url
Pls take a little of your time to visit, much appreciated!
PS:(I know some of you might object to me promoting her blogshop like this but its just a way of informing the class cos i don't wanna waste money smsing. So you guys can visit of your own accord.)

Sunday, October 26, 2008,8:30 AM


Friday, October 24, 2008,12:09 PM

hey guys...

class outing where u all wanna go..

i got some suggestions..

Marina Bowl..Bowling and Arcade(lynelle)

BBQ and Steamboat (Hui Ying)

Beach Party and BBQ (anonymous CL)

Decide...give suggestions...

byebye(:..btw..AsH here..

Thursday, October 16, 2008,7:07 PM

Hello everyone ! I'm posting again . I guess i only i am only posting whenever there is something important eh ?

Examinations are over, but PLEASE study STILL . I mean, i don't study too much but at least i studied a while ! And don't talk too much unless it is something important . Anyways, back to the subject . I have an important message to tell you guys . AND PLEASE READ IT !!! I know hardly anyone go to the blog, so i will also sms to them . Please spread for me . PLEASE . By the way, i hope you guys did great for your examinations . I did not, and i'm quite disappointed with my marks . I hope you people are happy about it . I'm going to make this fast because i will go off topic if i talk too much, because of my A.D.D/A.D.H.D, which is Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder .

Important Message:

Tomorrow, please wear tie and school uniform . NOT class tee . Fast and short message, please spread it to everyone in your handphone contacts . We are wearing this because we are needed to, for the ceremony of the leaving of the upper secondary . Once again, PLEASE SPREAD !!!! THANK YOU ! Once again, THANKS A LOT ! take care, class of winners .

Yours Truly,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008,7:46 PM

Quarrel in tagboard deleted

my name in tamil!

Saturday, October 11, 2008,1:01 PM

hey guys..AsH here...

i added a new play list out..but i cant seem to take out the old one..
Can Any1 help me...

And yea..the new playlist has songs likee...

1. Always By Bon Jovi
and more..LOL..

some eminem and click 5..LOL..


,11:22 AM

oh, one more thing.
i'm now open to new songs.

give me want songs you want for the updated playlist.
And what songs you still want to keep.


Friday, October 10, 2008,5:04 PM

i'm brian... and

hi guys.

feeling bored? after talking the same talk.
playing the same play?
living the same life?
staying the same house?
doing the same do?

now here some PERFECT time wasters. i MURDER time.

Disclaimer (before someone complains about the game, PLS READ)
I DO NOT hold any responsibility for any:
Loss of weight
Loss of life
Loss of SA2 marks
Loss of mind
Loss of
by playing one of the following.
You hereby acknowledge all of the above.
Including the title. Including these words.

The games.

The Frustration Game 2
Don't Shoot the Puppy

And The all-so classic...
The World's Hardest Game

bye now.
A teacher's blog
(don't get tricked anyway. i warn you)

Thursday, October 9, 2008,4:06 PM


Basically, i hope everyone of us pass our examinations and none of us retain, promoting everyone back to 2e3 . Even though we are noisy; we are playful, the point is, WE ARE LOVELY !!! wait.. are we ? nevermind.. anyways, it's good to hear that our examinations are over, but, we must not only PLAY or slack for the whole day, exercise almost everyday, and study for some times(i don't do it). so that everyone would not be x2 of our current size, that's what Mr. Cheak said .

Oh ya, i have a news for you guys, i'm having a illness/sickness/disease, called A.D.D, Attention Deficit Disorder, also known as ADD !! people having this sickness, have a tendency to go off topic, and they don't usually finish their story, you know ? you understand me ? they don't really finish what they say, understand me ? so.. A.D.D is like this, i have it, ever noticed ? Jia Qing noticed, so do Dan Feng.. don't get me wrong, i'm not being sarcastic.. i'm just trying to.. WOAH

[ 1 hour later.. ]

Sorry, there was like a butterfly there and it looked quite cool and.. nevermind, as i was saying, i'm not being sarcastic, i'm just trying to say how bad this is, even though i have it . don't get me.. WOW

[ another hour later.. ]

Oh my god, i'm terribly sorry for you guys waiting so long . my house just got some cool equipments and it's really really nice to play with, hope you guys could come and check it out . as i was saying, i'm just trying to say how bad A.D.D is, even though i have it . don't get me wrong, okays ?

This is the end of my post, hope you guys had some fun waiting for 2 hours, i'm terribly sorry about it . people having A.D.D are seriously sad cases . ohh today, it was real fun after school . i was walking towards the bus-stop with Alin and found out that i forgotten to top-up my ez-link card . and then i said i'm walking back to home . he said what the hell and he followed me . kind of weird, eh ? and on the way home, we discussed on something, we were so tired and Alin said, "eh dickson, i think i'm so tired that i wished there was a bicycle ."
I replied, " why not we rob someone's ? later one person with a bicycle, we push him down and we go off with the bicycle ."
Alin said, " good idea, later i will be like, " are you alright ? are you alright ? " and then i kick him again . "
After a while, we saw a man riding a bicycle . he went pass us and Alin went chasing it, i was like laughing while trying to pull him back . lols.. after that another one came, Alin said he see that guy so poor, don't want to rob him . we had some fun walking from AISS back to our houses . it was tiring, but good for exercise .

Once again, thanks for letting you guys waste your time reading this post, and congratulations to AISS Sec. 1 for our examinations are over . take care, class of winners .

Yours truly,


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we are ..
1. Ash/Warrior Scouts
2. Arika/Shooting
3. Brandon/NCCLand
4. Dickson/Band
5. Tian Jie/Choir and Basketball
6. Victor/Shooting
7. Cynthia/Dance
8. Fakhruz/Choir
9. Chong Soon/NCCSea
10. Hui Ying/Dance
11. Kelvin/BasketBall
12. Brian/SJAB
13. Wan Yun/C.O.
14. Xiu Ting/Choir
15. Sydney/NCCLand
16. Jia Qing/Warrior Scouts
17. Pei Xian/SJAB
18. Zhan Xing/Warrior Scouts
19. Dan Feng/NCCLand
20. Xinpeng/SJAB
21. Lynelle/BasketBall
22. Afiq/Track
23. Michael/NCCSea
24. Israfael/Shooting
25. Alin/Warrior Scouts
26. Haziq/Track
27. Suhaila/NetBall
28. Wee Seng/SJAB
29. Yan Fang/Dance
30. Eng Beng/Shooting
31. Shekinah/Girl Guides
32. Fatin/BasketBall
33. Sumit/ODDS
34. Jun Jiu/ODDS
35. Tay Min/Shooting
36. Chuan Zhi/BasketBall
37. Jia Xuan/C.O.
38. Boon Kiat/Shooting
39. Yi Lin/Dance
40. Zahidah/Nothing(yet)


Do you think we should change from Tagboards to Forums?
pollcode.com free polls


Nominate people to be here!
PS: and if you think this is boring. delete this.
#Most caring
Brandon and Arika
#Loudest sound
TJ's "SHH!!!"
#Tallest Height
172 cm (Ash)
#Longest FIRST Name
#"Longest" NAME
Labayna Neil Brian Narido
#Smartest person
Brandon Lim You Sheng
#Fattest person
Shekinah Prisca 84KG!!

Dead or unavaliable links will be removed. ;)
Ash(spongebob rocks..never ever forget that. :D )
Brian(D A N C E)
Dan Feng(Right now is paradise!! (:
Fatin (Bballer#10)
Hui Ying
Xinpeng(lets laugh)


[January 2008] [February 2008] [March 2008] [April 2008] [May 2008] [June 2008] [July 2008] [August 2008] [September 2008] [October 2008] [November 2008] [December 2008] [January 2009]


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